CiteAb is a leading life science data provider that helps researchers and their suppliers make more informed decisions. Our antibody and biochemical search engine provides a simple way for researchers to find reagents that work, while our high quality market data and citations are used commercially.
Linscott’s Directory has been connecting biotech researchers with reagent suppliers since 1980. Our search engine will help you find antibody suppliers for thousands of specific antibodies. Plus locate sources for ELISA assay kits, cytokines, enzymes, recombinant proteins, siRNAs, tissues, organs, custom antibody services and more. We currently have more than 2,000,000 different listings in our antibody section, and more than 1,500,000 listings of other products and services available from hundreds of different commercial and governmental sources worldwide, and more are being added each week. Use this excellent resource to connect directly to the companies and institutions that provide the products and services you need.